Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Buah Delima dan Kencing Manis

Jus delima kini mungkin dapat membantu untuk mereka yang menghidap kencing manis mengurangkan risiko mereka untuk mendapat penyakit koronari.

Satu kajian baru yang menarik menunjukkan yang penghidap-penghidap kencing manis yang minum jus buah delima untuk tempoh selam tiga bulan mempunyai peluang yang lebih rendah untuk mendapat aterosklerosis (atau pengerasan arteri). Juga , jus buah delima juga akan melemahkan keupayaan penyerapan Kolesterol tidak baik (Ldl) oleh sel-sel imun pengidap kencing manis.

Mereka yang menghidap kencing manis mempunyai kadar yang lebih tinggi untuk mendapat aterosklerosis, yang menyumbang kepada penyakit jantung, strok dan penyakit-penyakit kardiovaskular lain.

Kajian-kajian ini menjelaskan yang antioksidan dalam jus pomegranite mungkin sangat berkesan dalam menurunkan risiko komplikasi koronari yang dikaitkan dengan kencing manis.

“Dalam kebanyakan jus, gula hadir dalam bentuk bebas dan berbahaya,” kata pakar perubatan Michael Aviram, dari Fakulti Technion Medicine di Haifa, Israel, dalam satu siaran berita. “Dalam jus buah delima , bagaimanapun, gula terikat kepada antioksidan-antioksidan yang unik, yang menyebabkan gula ini bertindak sebagai perlindungan menentang aterosklerosis.”

Mereka dengan kencing manis tidak mampu untuk bereaksi secara normal terhadap gula biasa dan biasanya dinasihati untuk mengawasi pengambilan makanan dan minuman yang tinggi dkandungan gula semula jadi atau gula yang diproses, termasuk juga jus-jus buah-buahan.

Dalam penyelidikan itu, yang dibincangkan dalam jurnal Atherosclerosis, pakar-pakar menganalisis kesan-kesan meminum jus delima pekat yang dihasilkan khas yang bersamaan dengan satu gelas normal jus delima baru(fresh), setiap hari untuk 3 bulan oleh 10 orang-orang dewasa yang sihat dan 10 orang dewasa yang menghidap diabetes(kencing manis) Type 2.

Minuman jus delima tidak menjejaskan paras kolesterol menyeluruh , bagaimanapun pakar-pakar menemui ia mengurangkan pengambilan Kolesterol Buruk – LDL yang dioksidakan oleh sel-sel imun, yang merupakan satu faktor penyumbang utama untuk aterosklerosis.

Walaupun jus buah delima mengandungi kadar gula yang serupa dengan jus-jus buah-buahan lain, Aviram menyatakan yang mereka agak terkejut dan seronok bila mendapati bahawa gula dalam jus buah delima tidak memburukkan penunjuk-penunjuk diabetes melitus, seperti tahap-tahap glukosa darah, dalam peserta-peserta yang menghidap kencing manis.

Monday, July 18, 2011


Buah DELIMA atau POMOGRANATE.Menurut istilah sains,diberi nama Punica Granatum.Buah DELIMA termasuk kelompok PUNICACEAE yang tempat asalnya di Negara Iran.Ia ditanam sejak zaman silam,kemudian buah DELIMA tersebar di pelbagai Negara dunia,khususnya di Negara-negara Lautan Tengah dan di Asia Tenggara.Buah DELIMA mempunyai dua kelompok utama:Buah DELIMA ada yang boleh dimakan dan ada yang dijadikan sebagai tanaman hias.

Buah DELIMA dikenali sangat menarik sama ada bentuk,warna kulit mahupun bijinya yang melambangkan kesuburan.Sedangkan intipati buahnya yang berwarna merah dan lazat bagaikan mata air salsabil di syurga.Sesetengah orang menganggapnya lambing kelahiran,kehidupan dan kematian.Kerana biji-biji buah DELIMA mengandungi air dan dapat mengeluarkan banyak air.

Dalam sejumlah peninggalan kuno,banyak disebutkan keutmaan buah DELIMA.Doktor Ahmad Nabil Abu Khatwa,seorang pensyarah biokimia di Universiti King Abdul Aziz pernah menyebutkan masalah itu.

Bahkan bangsa Mesir kuno selalu menyertakan buah DELIMA dalam peti mayat.agar yang mati dapat hidup kembali,meskipun pendapat mereka salah.

Sejak 8000 tahun yang lalu,buah DELIMA sudah diyakini dapat mengubati sejumalah penyakit

Meskipun tanah asalnya adalah Iran,tetapi hampir seluruh dunia,melalui Spanyol hingga California,sudah mengenal buah DELIMA,meskipun bangsa Eropah menganggapnya sebagai buah yang baru ditemukan.

Di Iran ada tradisi yang unik tentang buah DELIMA.Setiap keluarga mempunyai sebuah wadah besar untuk menyimpan sari buah DELIMA.Wadah besar itu disebut fasinjan yang dipakai untuk menempatkan makananan istimewa yang terbuat daripada perahan kelapa yang digoreng sampai memerah,bawang goring,ketulan daging itik atau ayam yang telah dimasak dengan peras buah DELIMA

Kitab al-Mausu’ah al-Arabiyah al-Muyassarah menyebutkan bahawa “Buah DELIMA yang nama ilmiahnya Punica Granatum termasuk tumbuh-tumbuhan yang berasal dari Iran dan wilayah sekelilingnya.Sejak dulu kala,buah ini sudah dikenal manusia.Pokoknya kecil ,usianya panjang,daun-daunya sering jatuh dan berwarna mengilap,bunga-bunganya besar,warna buahnya ada yang merah atau merah kekuningan.Kulitnya lembut dan mengilap.Warnanya kuning kehijauhan atau putih kemerahan atau berwarna merah tua.Didalamnya terdapat biji-biji yang berwarna putih atau merah,berair dan mengilap.Diantara biji-bijinya ada yang keras dan ada pula yang lunak.Sari buah DELIMA sangat lazat.Pokok DELIMA ada yang sebagai tanaman hias kerana keindahan bunga dan buahnya.

Di antara buah DELIMA ada yang dikenal dengan nama buah DELIMA al-Hijazi,al-Manfaluti,al-Tha’ifi,al-Malisi atau al-Amlisi

Bahan ‘afas yang terdapat dalam kulit buah DELIMA dapat digunakan untuk menyamak kulit binatang dan dapat digunakan sebagai ubat dan penambah warna bagi kain sutera.’’

Ustaz Ahmad Qudamah menyebutkan dalam karya tulisanya Qamus al-Ghidza’ai wa al-Tadawi bi al-Nabati bahawa pokok DELIMA adalah pokok yang berbuah dari kelompok pepohonan Asia.Ia seperti pokok asam,jambu ,cengkeh dan pokok lainya.Bentuk buahnya bulat,kulitnya keras,di dalamnya terdapat biji-bijian yang banyak.Bunganya berwarna merah dan sedap di pandang

Dalam bahasa Arab ,buah ini disebut Julannar yang merupakan kata yang diambil dari bahasa Parsi Kulnar yang ertinya mawar delima.Buahnya ada rasa yang manis dan ada yang masam.Buah DELIMA sudah dikenal sejak lama.Buku-buku kuno dan catitan yang terdapat pada dinding kuil-kuil kuno banyak menyebutkan keutmaan buah delima dan gambar-gambarnya.’

Pendapat lain menegaskan bahawa buah DELIMA berasal dari Kartago atau dari Asia Tenggara.Sejak lama buah ini sudah ditanam di Parsi,kebun-kebun di Babilon dan wilayah Timur Tengah yang udaranya kering.Dari sana,pokok ini beralih ke Eropah dan di persekitaran Lautan Tengah.

Dalam catatan Daud Antaqius disebutkan bahawa buah DELIMA dari kelompok Rummaniyah merupakan pokok yang terkenal,daun-daunya sering jatuh,pokoknya keras seperti pokok berwarna keabu-abuan.Daun-daunya sederhana,mengilap dan bentuknya bagus.Bunga-bungnya tunggal dan berwarna merah.Buahnya bulat,warna kulitnya mengilap.Biji-bijinya berair dan dapat diperas.Buah DELIMA yang bagus adalah yang berwarna merah seperti mawar’’

Ustaz Muhammad Rajab as-Samirai berkata:’Buah DELIMA termasuk tumbuhan kuno yang terkenal.Kan’an menyebutnya Shaidun.Sejak terjadinya peperangan Kartajana,buah DELIMA di bawa ke Itali,dan dari sana buah ini menyebar luas ke seluruh Eropah selatan.’

Para pakar pertanian menerangkan bahawa buah DELIMA adalah buah-buahan kuno.Tanah asalnya Parsi dan Iraq bahagian utara.Dari wilayah-wilayah itu,buah DELIMA menyebar ke India,kemuadian disebarkan oleh bangsa Arab ke Sepanyol.Selain itu buah DELIMA juga menyebar ke wilayah pesisir Lautan Tengah,seperti Yunani dan Itali.Bangsa Eropah menyebutkan buah DELIMA didalam cerita-cerita rakyat.

Bangsa Mesir mengenal pokok DELIMA sejak 1526SM.Di kuburan bangsa Mesir kuno banyak terdapat ukiran yang berbentuk buah DELIMA.Mereka menyebutnya Arhamani.

Bangsa Yahudi menjadikan buah DELIMA sebagai saranan ibadah.Bangsa Rom,bangsa Yunani dan keluarga Fira’aun sudah mengenal buah DELIMA sejak dulu lagi.

Pada dinding kuil-kuil mereka terdapat gambar buah DELIMA.Asal mula pokok DELIMA dari Parsi atau Asia Barat,antara Parsi dan India.Kemudian pokok DELIMA tersebar di persekitaran kawasan Syria,Jordan ,Palestin dan Lubnan.Dari sana pokok DELIMA berkembang ke Afrika utara,Mesir dan Negara-negara di sekitar Lautan Tengah.

Ustaz Hasan Marzuq menyebutkan dalam salah satu ceramahnya.”Sejak keluarga Fir’aun ke 18 di Mesir berkuasa,buah DELIMA telah dikenal oleh mereka.Nama buah ini diambil dari bahasa Mesir kuno.Bangsa Iberia juga demikian .Mereka suka menghias warna-warni kuil-kuil mereka dengan perasan kulit buah DELIMA.Bangsa Tunisia dan bangsa Phinic juga demikian.Para pendeta agama Kartago biasa memakai pakaian berwarna merah yang diberi gambar pokok DELIMA.Demikian juga bangsa Rom.Mereka yang memindahkan pokok DELIMA ke Mesir,Itali, dan Eropah selatan.Di antara koin-koin kuno sering dijumpai gambar buah DELIMA.

11 Health Benefits of Pomegranate Juice

Pomegranate juice has become popular in the past few years, but does it really live up to the hype? It looks like it.

Several recent studies have shown significant potential health benefits from drinking pomegranate juice. Here are eleven:

Fights Breast Cancer
Studies in Israel show that pomegranate juice destroys breast cancer cells while leaving healthy cells alone. It may also prevent breast cancer cells from forming.

Lung Cancer Prevention
Studies in mice show that pomegranate juice may inhibit the development of lung cancer.

Keeps PSA Levels Stable
In a study of 50 men who had undergone treatment for prostate cancer, 8 ounces of pomegranate juice per day kept PSA levels stable, reducing the need for further treatment such as chemotherapy or hormone therapy.

Protects the Neonatal Brain
Studies show that maternal consumption of pomegranate juice may protect the neonatal brain from damage after injury.

Prevention of Osteoarthritis
Several studies indicate that pomegranate juice may prevent cartilage deterioration.

Protects the Arteries
It prevents plaque from building up in the arteries and may reverse previous plaque buildup.

Alzheimer's Disease Prevention
It may prevent and slow Alzheimer's disease. In one study, mice bred to develop Alzheimer's disease were given pomegranate juice. They accumulated significantly less amyloid plaque than control mice and they performed mental tasks better.

Lowers Cholesterol
It lowers LDL (bad cholesterol) and raises HDL (good cholesterol).

Lowers Blood Pressure
One study showed that drinking 1.7 ounces of pomegranate juice per day lowered systolic blood pressure by as much as 5 percent.

Dental Protection
Research suggests that drinking pomegranate juice may be a natural way to prevent dental plaque.

Health Benefits Of Pomegranates – So What Do You Believe Is The Truth

The health benefits of pomegranates is something that I am sitting on the fence
Health Benefits Of Pomegranates

Health Benefits Of Pomegranates

about at the minute. I know there has been a serious amount of clinical tests done on the fruit but why has the fruit only come to attention now. When I was growing up as a child I only had ever heard of the fruit but had never actually seen or tasted a pomegranate. So why now am I starting to see the fruits products every where. If its not pomegranate fruit drinks or smoothies its pomegranate teas and jams. So why is this the case.

One reason I can think of is that the fruit was not a common fruit to Europe but was brought to Europe by the Roman armies to Italy and later by the Moors to Spain. Before this time the fruit was really only found in parts of Asia and the Middle East. In this part of the world the people seemed to have revered the fruit and used it as a symbol of health, life and fertility. The ancient doctors of the time apparently used the fruit to fight against diseases and ailments. So it seems that for years the ancient world were ahead of the western world in the medical research front.

Recently for whatever reason the medical industry has started to look into the health benefits of the pomegranate fruit. The clinical studies have shown some very good results for the fruit which seems to be part of the reason way it has exploded on to the market. But has the commercial and media companies just got carried away or is the findings conclusive. On further research it does appear that the medical industry has referred to the fruit as a super fruit, so why would this be so.

Well for a start the research seems to show that the pomegranate is a great source of antioxidants. Further studies have shown that the fruit has nearly three times the antioxidant levels of blueberries. This in itself to me would be very important because of the need for antioxidants in the body to fight free radicals. The pomegranate juice has also shown to help lower high blood pressure which again is very important. But I don’t think that the results where ever conclusive or made as a fact.

Whatever people believe about the health benefits of pomegranates I think that the fruit is here to stay in the western world. I myself have added it to my regular diet just because it is more available today but I don’t know if I fully believe the hype of the commercial companies. These companies are all going to tell you what you want to hear so that they sell more products.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Pomegranite – 8 Little Health Benefits That You Might Want To Know.

The pomegranite is a fruit that was at one time very hard to find in the western


world. It has a hard external skin which is usually red in colour and this protects the seeds, pulp and membrane that is found inside the fruit. The pomegranate seeds are called arils and are delicious to eat. You can add these seeds to any fruit salad or vegetable salad as they give the salads great colour and taste. But I suppose the main reason for adding this fruit to your regular diet is to get the health benefits that the fruit is rumored to contain.

So what are the health benefits that pomegranates are supposed to contain. The medical industry has recommended that you should drink 8 ounces of the juice on a daily or regular basis to get the full health benefits. They have found that the fruit is filled with antioxidants which is exactly what you need to help your body to fight off free radicals. The fruit has also been found to contain nearly three times the amount of antioxidants than green tea or blueberries. Other health benefits are:

1. It has been said that drinking pomegranate juice can help to increase your appetite.
2. Drinking pomegranate juice can help to lower high blood pressure.
3. Drinking pomegranate juice can help to lower the levels of bad cholesterol in the body.
4. The fruit juice can help to reduce your chances of getting heart disease or having a stroke.
5. The fruit can help to reduce your chances of getting prostate cancer.
6. The anti-inflammatory properties in pomegranates can help to reduce the pain of a sore throat.
7. The juice can help lessen the stomach pain and annoyance caused by diarrhea.
8. The pomegranate is filled with vitamins A, C and E. This combined with the natural sugars in the fruit can help give your body and immune system a boost.

So the pomegranite looks like a really useful fruit to have in your diet. Lucky enough it has become more available in supermarkets than before. Now you can buy pomegranate fruit juices, smoothies, jams and even jellies. These products only seem to have hit the markets recently but they are becoming very popular now as more and more people are finding out about the health benefits. Try the pomegranate fruit for yourself and see what you think. If you do end up liking it then look at all the good things you could be doing for your body.

Health Benefits Of Pomegranate Juice And Pomegranate Seeds

Pomegranate seeds and pomegranate juice have been around from ancient times. The fruit is old and centuries ago was only to be found in places like Iraq, Iran, Egypt and
Pomegranate Juice

Pomegranate Juiced I

India. In these areas the fruit was was grown and harvested for food but also for medicine purposes. Back in the ancient times the fruit was used to symbolize health, life and fertility. The fruit was also important enough back in the day to warrant a mention in the old testament and various ancient Greek texts. From these times the fruit has spread to areas along southern Europe and the southern areas of the USA.

The fruit itself is red in colour and grows to about the size of a large orange. The skin of the fruit is hard and leathery in texture and this protects the membrane, pulp and pomegranate seeds which are found inside the fruit. So what is the health benefits of drinking pomegranate juice or eating pomegranate seeds on a regular basis:

* The main health benefits associated with the fruit is the high levels of antioxidants contained with in it. The fruit has almost three times the antioxidant levels of blueberries and green tea. Its these antioxidants that are needed to help the body fight against free radicals.
* Taking the fruit on a regular basis can help reduce the chances of getting heart disease or a stroke. It does this by reducing the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood and also by helping to lower high blood pressure.
* Drinking pomegranate juice can help reduce the build up of dental plaque and can also help with gum disease.
* The juice from the fruit helps to loosen the blood and get it flowing more freely around the body. It has been said that by improving the blood flow in the body that it can help with erectile dysfunction.
* It has also been stated that the fruit is great for your hair and skin and keeps them looking smooth, soft and young. People take the fruit regularly to help with the anti-aging process.

The health benefits of pomegranate juice and pomegranate seeds have become a regular topic in a lot of health and fitness magazines. The more research and tests that is carried out on the fruit the more benefits that seem to be found. Its more available now than it ever was before so why not take a visit to your supermarket today and try it for yourself.

Pomegranate Health Benefits – How Important Are Antioxidants In Your Diet

The pomegranate fruit has been talked about all over the world in recent times. The fruit has shot its way onto most supermarket shelves in some form or another.


I personally think that it is the fruits high levels of antioxidants that give it the most appeal. There has been major talk over the last decade about the benefits of antioxidants for the body but it was only really blueberries or green tea that was mentioned. Now it has been found that pomegranates contain almost three times the level of antioxidants than most other foods and fruits.

Everyone in the western world will know or have heard about antioxidants and there importance. There are different kinds of antioxidant, some types can can help to fight cancer and other types help the body remain healthy by helping the body get rid of bacteria. Free radicals in the body can attack and damage healthy cells, antioxidants on the other hand help the body to fight against free radicals. These free radicals are a nuisance as they can destroy cells by destroying a healthy cells DNA. This renders the cells useless and in some instances these dead cells can turn cancerous over time.

There is lots of different products and supplements on the markets today that will provide you with antioxidants. But we all know that the best way to get or needed vitamins and nutrients is actually from fresh natural foods and fruits. So why pay for these sometimes expensive supplements when you can get a great boost of antioxidants from pomegranates. They can help you to fight flu’s and diseases, high blood pressure and even erectile dysfunction. Antioxidants are very important for your health and there is no doubt about that fact, the medical industry has been stating this issue for a number of years.

So will the pomegranate fruit be something that you can take seriously. We know that they have very high levels of antioxidants so why not add them to your shopping list. Most good super markets now will stock pomegranate juices, smoothies or even jams so there is no excuse for not trying the fruit in some capacity. But again the fruit is better eaten raw as you will get the full health benefits, vitamins and taste from the fruit. Try it for yourself for a few months and see if you can feel the difference and if you feel healthier for eating the fruit.

Health Benefits Of Pomegranates – Don’t Always Believe The Media Hype

You cant read a fitness magazine now with out the health benefits of pomegranates being mentioned in some article or another. I don’t know where the fruit has arrived
Health Benefits Of Pomegranates

Health Benefits Of Pomegranates

from but it seems to have taken the press and super markets by storm. Until recently I had only ever heard about the fruit and seen it in magazine pictures but now I am able to by the fruit in juices, smoothies and jams in my local supermarket. So what exactly is the story behind this once unknown fruit and can all the hype be believed.

Maybe i’m a bit of a cynic but I tend to step very carefully when I see a lot of hype and media attention being pushed towards an item. I honestly think that these days people read articles or see advertising ads and just buy items with out any research. I’m a bit different as i’ll always spend time doing some background searches and that’s exactly what I did with the pomegranate health benefits that I have been reading about. Here’s what I have found out from my checks:

* The pomegranates biggest claim to health is that it is an antioxidant power house. The fruit has shown extremely high levels of antioxidants. The medical researchers are claiming that the fruit has almost 3 times more antioxidants than blueberries or green tea.
* The medical industry have said that the pomegranate fruit would help to lower high blood pressure. Also they have said that the fruit can help to reduce the levels of bad cholesterol in your body. These effects will help to keep your heart healthy and reduce the chances of having strokes or heart disease.
* The fruit itself is packed with fibre and potassium but also contains vitamin A, C and E.
* The fruit contains folic acid which is a great component to any expecting mothers diet.
* Because the fruit helps the blood to move more easily around the body people have claimed that the fruit can also help with erectile dysfunction.

These are some of the health benefits of pomegranates that the medical industry have found. I would also like to point out that none of the test results are conclusive. There has been been lots of trails and clinical tests done but none of the results have been stated as fact by the medical profession. Now I am not saying that the fruit gives no benefits but it goes to show what media hype can do.

Pomegranite Health Benefits – What Do You Believe About This Super Fruit

Is the pomegranite just a passing fad or is all the health benefits really true.


I am the first person that would love to see a quick fix health solution but gaining massive health benefits from eating one fruit is a bit much. Especially since the fruit is centuries old and has been around since the time of Moses and Homer. I know in times gone by that the fruit was only grown in certain parts of the Middle East, Asia and India but why are the health benefits only being brought to the surface now.

In more recent times the fruit is now grown and cultivated in a lot of areas in southern Europe and the southern states of the USA. The fact the fruit is now more accessible to the western world might be one of the factors of its new found popularity. The other thing is that the medical world have latched onto the health benefits of the pomegranite fruit and proclaimed it a super fruit. The medical industry has carried out a lot of clinical testing and research on the fruit and this is some of the benefits that they have found.

A. The pomegranate fruit has shown to have extremely high levels of antioxidants. Before everyone was talking about the antioxidant levels in green tea and blueberries but pomegranates have shown to have 3 times higher levels. This I think is why the fruit earned the reputation as a super fruit.

B. The high levels of antioxidants contained in pomegranates can help the body to fight off some forms of cancers. The antioxidants help the body protect healthy cells from free radicals. Cell damage done by free radicals can in some instances lead to cancer. The antioxidants found in pomegranates have shown some positive results against breast cancer and prostate cancer. Recently the tests done concerning types of lung cancer have also shown some positive results.

C. Tests have also shown that eating pomegranates or drinking pomegranate juice on a regular basis can help to lower high blood pressure. Also the fruit has shown positive results towards lowering the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood. If these two points are correct then this will greatly increase your chances of having heart problems.

So whatever your view on the pomegranite is I don’t think that you can totally afford to ignore the fruit. The tests that have been done on the fruit are not conclusive but the results gotten so far look positive. Any food source with that amount of antioxidants has to be good for your health so why not add this fruit to your shopping list.

Pomegranate Health Benefits – What Can Pomegranates Do For Your Health

Pomegranate health benefits are being touted all over the world by the medical industry and pomegranates are being called a superfruit. This sounds really good in theory and all the articles in the health magazines are explaining all about the fruit and its benefits. What im reading has taking me somewhat by surprise because I had never really tasted the pomegranate fruit until recently. Actually up until about 4 years ago the fruit would not have been found at all in my local super markets that’s why I have never tasted it. So what are the benefits of this great fruit:

1. The biggest health benefits that the fruit holds is the high levels of antioxidants. Antioxidants are very important to help your body to fight free radicals. They are also very important in helping your immune system and fighting common colds and diseases.
2. The fruit has shown the ability to help reduce the levels of bad cholesterol contained in the blood. The rise in people in people having problems with high cholesterol is on the increase years after year. So the pomegranate fruit looks like a great help to an increasing problem.
3. The fruit has been shown in clinical tests to help lower high blood pressure. This benefit along with the one mentioned in point two will help to reduce your chances as the years go on of getting heart disease.
4. The fruit has been shown in tests to contain vitamins A, C and E as well as fiber, folic acid and potassium.
5. The fruit juice has been claimed to keep your skin looking young and smooth. This has led some people to take the fruit on a regular basis to help fight anti-aging.
6. The pomegranate fruit has sown in tests to be good for your blood and blood flow. It helps to loosen the blood and let it flow better in your archeries . Other people have noticed other effects and now it is being said to help people with erectile dysfunction. Pomegranate health benefits have become a global talking point. The clinical research and tests are still ongoing but some of the results from above are impressive. Why not try the fruit for yourself and see if you like it. The pomegranate fruit juices and smoothies can be found now in nearly all local shops or supermarkets. If the health benefits found are true then you have nothing to loose and everything to gain.

Pomegranates – A Little background About The Great Pomegranate Superfruit

Pomegranates are a really funny fruit. They have been around for thousands of


years but I don’t really know anyone that would have tasted the pomegranate fruit. Up until 4 years ago I had never tasted the fruit myself. It was only when I was in the south of Spain that I got my first taste of the fruit for breakfast one morning. I had heard of the fruit before but had never actually tasted it until then. So whats the story with this fruit and whats the history with it.

The pomegranate fruit has been cultivated all over the Middle East and Asia for thousands of years. This ruby red fruit has earned a mention in the old testament of the Bible and also in ancient Greek writings by Homer. Eventually the fruit spread into Europe, first taken by the Roman army to Rome and later by the Moors to the south of Spain. It was from Spain that this fruit made its way across the Atlantic to America in the boats of the first pilgrims. Its funny how the fruit has traveled across the world with the passing of great historical events.

The ancient people of the middle east always held this fruit in high regard and revered the fruit as a symbol of life, health and fertility. They used it frequently in there medicines and also used it to help cure lots of different flu’s and diseases. It only seems to be recently that the western world has taken note of the fruit and started to do tests and research on it. This is where the story starts to get more interesting as the medical tests begin giving out the results.

Some initial test results have shown great health benefits attributed to the fruit and the medical profession have called the pomegranate a super fruit. Some of the health benefits that have been high lighted are:

1. The fruit has almost 3 times more antioxidants than all other fruits.
2. The fruit taken regularly can help to reduce high blood pressure and also it can help to lower the levels of bad cholesterol in your body.
3. It can help to reduce the chances of having heart problems or a stroke.
4. The fruit contains vitamin A, C and E along with folic acid and fiber.

Pomegranates are an old and healthy fruit and with the health benefits above it should be a new addition to your weekly shop. There is so many ways that you can add this fruit to your diet. Its great in salads and even as a fruit juice or smoothie. So get out there and try this great fruit.

Pomegranate Juice – So What Is The Importance Of This Fruit

Not everyone would have tasted pomegranate juice or even the pomegranate fruit itself. Up until recently pomegranates would not have been found in your local supermarkets
Pomegranate Juice

Pomegranate Juice

or shop. I would go as far as saying that you probably would have had to go to a specialized fruit shop or Asian store to find the fruit. So as you can tell it was only recently that I tasted this fruit. I have been very surprised lately at how many pomegranate products I can now find on the shelves of my local shops. I think this is to do with the health benefits that are being attributed to this fruit.

The medical industry has been leaking out some results from all the clinical tests that have been done on the fruit. The results from these tests have been impressive and the medical industry has called the pomegranate a super fruit. This is probably due to the high levels of antioxidants that the fruit has been found to contain. So what are the health benefits that this superfruit holds:

* As stated the pomegranate has a very high concentration of antioxidants. It has nearly 3 times the antioxidant levels of any other fruit. For anyone that doesn’t know, antioxidants are needed to help the body fight free radicals. This can be very important in a body’s fight against flu’s, diseases and even some cancers.

* The antioxidants in the pomegranate fruit can help to lower high blood pressure but it can also help to reduce the bad cholesterol levels in your body.
* The research and tests have shown the the fruit is very good at promoting anti-aging properties. Some people eat the fruit or drink the fruit juice for this reason only.
* The high levels of antioxidants help to promote cardiovascular health. It has also shown to reduce your chances of getting heart disease or even having a stroke.
* The phytochemicals in the fruit and fruit juice help the body to fight against some cancers. The juice from the fruit has shown positive results against prostate and breast cancer.

Doctors have recommended drinking 8 ounces of pomegranate juice on a daily basis to help you get the full benefits of the fruit. The fruit is easy to find now that it comes in juices, smoothies, jams and herbal teas. So if you want to add the fruit to your weekly shopping list then you have no excuse not to.


Pomegranate health benefits are wide and varied according to most internet sites that you read online. They have been called a super fruit and seem to be found on every


supermarket shelf now in the western world. The fruit comes in all forms nowadays and the products range from juices and smoothies to jams and jellies. To be honest the fruit came as quite a shock to me because for most of my life I have been into health and fitness and I had never came across the fruit before. But now suddenly within three years the fruit has went from being unknown to being on my super market shelf.

What I find odd is that the pomegranate fruit has been around for centuries and has been grown and eaten all over the Middle East and Asia. The ancient people at the time of Moses seemed to hold the fruit in high esteem and at the time the fruit was seen as a symbol of life, health and fertility. Now it seems to me that the ancients seemed to know something all those centuries ago that we are only finding out now. So what seems to be the important benefits that is being attributed to this fruit:

Protection against heart problems and disease.

Pomegranates in some of the clinical tests have shown to help lower the levels of bad LDL cholesterol in the blood as well as helping to lower high blood pressure. If this is true then this can greatly reduce a persons chances of having heart problems or a stroke.

Protection against some cancers.

For me one of the greatest benefits pomegranates might hold is that it has shown to help fight certain cancers. The fruit has high levels of flavanoids which is an antioxidant. This type of antioxidant is known to help fight against free radicals. The clinical tests have shown the fruit to help against prostate and breast cancers.

Oral hygiene.

Some test results has shown that drinking pomegranate juice regularly can help reduce dental plague and gum disease. This is important because more people are suffering from these conditions nowadays due to the extra salts and sugars being added to food.

These are just three pomegranate health benefits that I thought should get a mention. I would like to point out that none of the results from the tests have been found to be conclusive. These are just some of the results that the medical industry have released. These early results do look impressive and I do hope that the results the fruit has shown against cancer are found to be true.

Friday, July 1, 2011